metalworking coolants
Considerations for Coolant Selection

Finding the optimal metalworking fluid is a difficult task because no fluid is “one-size-fits-all.” Each shop has its own unique set up of machines, operations, metals, etc. Operators have to consider many factors before selecting the optimal fluids or fluids for their shop. The optimal fluids should successfully perform the following core functions: Lubricate the …

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proper metalworking fluid and lubricant storage
How Long is Lubricant’s Shelf Life?

When buying lubricants, you have to consider how long they will last. For high-volume users, this is not as much of an issue compared to smaller-volume users. High-volume users’ regularly consumer and reorder lubricants and typically have systems in place to monitor usage and spending. Small-volume users might be spread a drum or two of …

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Synthetic Coolant
7 Steps for a Successful CNC Restart

After an extended CNC machining production shutdown, it is imperative to get restarted quickly and efficiently. Maintaining your metalworking coolant can be the difference between success and failure. It is key to clean, refill (if necessary), and run according to the manufacturer’s recommendation. These steps will depend on whether you emptied the sump before the …

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Tube Drawing
5 Factors for Metal Drawing Fluid Selection

In metal drawing processes, there two main types of lubrication. Firstly, there is fluid or hydrodynamic lubrication, which is the separation of metal surfaces with a continuous film of lubricant that prevents contact of those metal surfaces. Secondly, there is boundary lubrication, which is separating metal surfaces by a film only a few molecules thick. …

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